La passion de Dodin Bouffant, by Tran Anh Hung
(Feel-Good romance, period drama – in French with English subtitles)
Set in France in 1889, the film follows the life of Dodin Bouffant as a chef living with his personal cook and lover Eugénie. They share a long history of gastronomy and love but Eugénie refuses to marry Dodin, so the food lover decides to do something he has never done before: cook for her.
L’action se déroule en France en 1889, et suit la vie de Dodin Bouffant, un cuisinier et de sa cuisinière personnelle et amante, Eugénie. Ils partagent une longue histoire de gastronomie et d’amour, mais Eugénie refuse d’épouser Dodin. Le gastronome décide alors de faire quelque chose qu’il n’a jamais fait auparavant : cuisiner pour elle.
When : Friday March 28th , at 6:00 pm (opening), film starts at 6:30pm
Where: at our office
Contact us : 443-297-7740; email : info@afbaltimore.org
The spouse or the companion of our current members is welcome. Please do not invite friends who are not AFB members already. Merci.
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